11 February 2007

{ 00 } .. . simpleton

Oh, what wonders do the world provide for idle hands led by feeble mind.

Beginnings are buggers. So I’m gonna cheat. But before I plunk you into the middle of the raging torrents of my fevered diatribe (well, actually, it’d be more like the slack-jawed droolings of my flaccid gibes), here’s a little illustration of what you are in for.

I was going to call this site, Secretariat, you know, all sleek and powerful, a real thoroughbred of measured thoughts. But then, I would be constantly blogging a dead horse.

Really, there will be nothing of note, no truths unveiled, no secrets revealed, just the mad mutterings of a nutter with too much time and technology at his disposal.

And I promise that will be the last time I refer to myself in the third person.

You have been warned.

spiral scratch
sexy mf .. . { prince, sex symbol }
ape self prevails in me still .. . { quasi, featuring ‘birds’ }
i wanna be sedated .. . { the ramones, road to ruin }

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