26 December 2008

{ 19 } .. . eye scorcher

For canker vice the sweetest buds do love

There’s nothing so vast as my self-absorption, like an endless ocean with no land in sight. The waves that mar its boundless surface cannot stir the depths of my narcissist delight. The winds that regale me are unprevailing and the rains merely offer facile respite. So toss away those expectations, fling aside those wrong and right. Sink into my fathomless indulgence, and drown in my dreams tonight.

Well, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get on to more practical things.

Say what you will about those gathering clouds, but in the end, those words won’t change the weather, no matter how much I believe in the power of a fluttering butterfly. Or of one hand clapping. An irresistible force of nature, as it were, is difficult to negotiate with. Talking sense is hard. Especially when I don’t have any.

spiral scratch
treatment bound .. . { the replacement, hootenanny }
lolly, lolly, lolly get your adverbs here .. . { buffalo tom, schoolhouse rocks rocks! }
digging my potatoes .. . { big bill broonzy, trouble in mind }

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